Chicken Pudding is one of my NanNan’s cherished recipes.

NanNan was my paternal grandmother, and one of my favorite people. I loved spending time alone with her because she treated me like a friend. When I’d visit, she’d pull out a list that she’d been compiling since we last saw each other – so many things she wanted to remember to tell me/ask me during our visit. And then we’d gossip and giggle together.

She never spoke down to me, except to express her disagreement with me on any given point – you have it your way, Mendy, and I’ll have it mine. Then she’d smile.

NanNan probably wasn’t a great cook in any gourmet sense, but I loved her cooking. And my dad and his brother Rich loved their mother’s cooking too, of course – the taste of home! Although Aunt Peggy, Rich’s wife, adopted this Chicken Pudding recipe (NanNan mentioned her in the recipe, below), my mother doesn’t remember making it and my dad doesn’t remember ever eating it (although surely he must have). It was never part of my Nan Nan’s holiday meals when we visited as a family. NanNan would serve it to me when I would stay with her and PapPa for bible school week. I’d spend the morning learning bible verses and working on crafts that involved cotton balls and Elmer’s glue, and afterward walk back to NanNan and PapPa’s house for lunch. Then as I got older, and after my PapPa passed, I would visit my NanNan; it was just the two of us. She preferred eating out, but sometimes we would stay in and she would serve Chicken Pudding, which was fine with me!

I’m so happy that this recipe for Chicken Pudding was preserved in NanNan’s own handwriting. But of course, it doesn’t work for me as written – Ron is gluten-intolerant, so I’ve modified the recipe accordingly. Also, I don’t usually make gravy and I don’t keep cream of anything soup in my pantry, so I had to find a way to moisten the “pudding.” Replacing one cup of the shredded chicken with butter-poached asparagus, leeks, and shiitakes adds moisture and freshness, and reducing the amount of flour produces a lighter, more pudding-like texture than the original. Finally, I think my NanNan must have been mistaken about the quantity of baking soda – using 3 teaspoons resulted in a metallic taste that was especially pronounced when using gluten-free flour. I’ve learned that 1 teaspoon is just enough to leaven the batter.

Nan Nan’s Chicken Pudding


  • 3 cups shredded chicken
  • 10 ounces shiitake mushrooms
  • 1 leek
  • 8-10 spears aspargus (optional)
  • 2 T olive oil
  • 2 T butter
  • 1 cup sorghum flour
  • 1/2 t psyllium husk powder
  • 1 t baking soda
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 1/3 cup milk
  • 1/2 t dried basil (optional)
  • 1/2 t dried oregano (optional)


  • Preheat the oven and prep the baking dish – Preheat the oven to 350℉. Spray your baking dish with olive oil.
  • Prep the veg – Destem the mushrooms and slice them. Trim the leeks and rinse out any grit between the layers. Slice them lengthwise, then across. Trim the asparagus (if using) and cut it into 1-inch pieces.
  • Butter poach the veg – Add the olive oil, sliced mushrooms and sliced leeks to a skillet, and cook slowly over medium heat until the mushrooms and leeks have released their moisture and become silky and soft. Then add the asparagus, 1/4 cup of water, and 2 T of butter. Cover the pan and cook until the asparagus are softened, then uncover and cook off any remaining moisture.
  • Build the pie – Spread the shredded chicken in the bottom of your baking dish, then cover with a layer of the cooked veg mixture.
  • Make the batter and pour it over the chicken and vegetables – Stir together the flour, psyllium husk powder and baking soda. Whisk together the eggs and the milk (and herbs, if using) and then stir the wet ingredients into the dry until thoroughly combined. Pour the batter over the chicken and vegetables.
  • Bake – Bake, covered, for 30-40 minutes, until set. Uncover and bake for another 5 minutes, until a bit browned on top. Let cool a bit before serving.


CHICKEN – I think chicken thighs are particularly good in this recipe because they’re typically much moister than white meat. However, if I’m making this using left-over chicken, it’s usually breast meat.

MUSHROOMS – Shiitakes, hands down – no substitutions. Shiitakes add a silkiness that works particularly well with shredded chicken.

LEEK – I wouldn’t substitute any other type of allium for the leek in this recipe. I love the subtle flavor and how leeks just melt into the dish.

ASPARAGUS – Asparagus is optional, but it’s asparagus season, so why not? Just be careful to trim them carefully. This dish is all about the textures, and a stringy bite of asparagus would ruin the experience.

SORGHUM FLOUR – Sorghum flour is a wonderful gluten-free, whole-grain flour that tastes a bit nutty and sweet. It has a fine texture that’s similar to all-purpose flour, but it’s much healthier.

PSYLLIUM HUSK POWDER – Psyllium husk powder is magical in gluten-free baking. It takes just a tiny bit to provide the structure you need. I use it in lieu of xanthan gum.

MILK – I wouldn’t sub half-and-half or cream in this recipe. Using milk keeps it light.

HERBS – The dried herbs are entirely optional.

I don’t know if my NanNan would approve of my modifications to her Chicken Pudding recipe. After all, she documented this recipe for me after a lifetime of preparing it her way, and I raved about it back then. But if I could serve her a piece of my Chicken Pudding, I’m sure she’d graciously accept it. I can hear her voice in my head and see the twinkle in her eyes, telling me –

You have it your way, Mendy, and I’ll have it mine.”

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