Raw Brussels sprouts for Shaved Brussels Sprouts with Pecorino

Brussels sprouts and navy beans, adorned with plenty of salty Pecorino and cracked black pepper – delicious. I recently I served this dish with roasted chicken and mashed potatoes. It was a pretty plate, but I only had eyes for the Shaved Brussels Sprouts with Pecorino!

I do love the crispy Brussels sprouts appetizers that are showing up on restaurant menus everywhere, especially when they’re properly cooked – crispy on the outside and not too crunchy on the inside. Served with balsamic glaze, tamari lime dressing, sweet chili sauce – what’s not to love? But if they’re too crunchy inside, I lose interest.

I grew up eating frozen Brussels sprouts that were cooked into oblivion, which I truly loved. They were soft and sweet. Eat your vegetables, said no one ever to me when Brussels sprouts were served at my mother’s table.

This Shaved Brussels Sprouts with Pecorino takes me back, but just for a moment. Those Brussels sprouts were a treat for my palate then, but this dish is for grown-ups. It offers a nice balance between sweet sprouts, creamy beans, and salty Pecorino. I don’t even want to talk about the butter. So much butter. That’s where the cracked black pepper comes in to wake up your senses. To remind you that life is to be lived, enjoyed, savored! Eat your vegetables (and don’t worry about the butter…)!

Shaved Brussels Sprouts with Pecorino

Author: melinmac


  • 1 pound fresh Brussels sprouts
  • 2 T neutral oil (like grapeseed)
  • 4 T butter
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 3 ounces grated Pecorino Romano cheese
  • 1 15.5 ounce can navy beans
  • cracked black pepper


  • Prep the Brussels sprouts – Trim the root ends off of each of the sprouts and slice them in a food processor, using the thinnest slicing blade.
  • Sauté the shaved sprouts – Heat the oil over high heat in a large skillet. Add the Brussels sprouts and 1/2 t salt, and cook, stirring occasionally, until the sprouts are crisp tender and bright green. Stir in the butter and the beans. Once the butter begins to melt, turn off the heat and cover until you're ready to serve.
  • Finish and Serve – Pour the mixture into either a serving bowl or individual bowls, and garnish with a generous shower of grated Pecorino and a few aggressive cranks of cracked black pepper, to taste.

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