Smashed Baby Potatoes are deliciously crunchy and creamy. They’re “crunch, squish,” a term coined by my sister-in-law Susan to describe perfectly fried oysters. It’s not just the texture – it’s the alliums and parsley, which add a freshness to the Smashed Baby Potatoes, taking it over the top. I like to dot mine with sour cream too, but that’s just me. (Ron says that I’ve never met a milk fat that I didn’t love.) Crunchy, creamy, oniony potato-ness topped with not-too-much sour cream. Perfect.

I dare say that Smashed Baby Potatoes are better than French Fries!

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Smashed Baby Potatoes


  • 1 pound baby potatoes
  • 2 T butter
  • chopped parsley with chives and/or scallions
  • olive oil (for spritzing)
  • sour cream (optional)


  • Cook the potatoes – Steam until very soft and smashable, about 25 minutes. While the potatoes are steaming, melt the butter and chop the parsley, chives, and scallions.
  • Preheat the oven and smash the potatoes – Preheat the oven to 400 ℉, convection roast setting. Gently smash each potato with a spatula. You want them to be about 1/2 thick.
  • Roast the smashed potatoes – Drizzle them with the melted butter, then spritz with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, then roast for about 30 minutes, until they're brown and crispy.
  • Finish – garnish with chopped parsley and alliums (and anything else your heart desires) and serve.
Smashed Baby Potatoes

Last year we grew a variety of potatoes and had a bumper crop. We didn’t have the appropriate conditions for long-term storage, so we ate a lot of potatoes – purple, red, and gold baby potatoes, fingerling potatoes, and Russets. This recipe is better with baby potatoes, no matter the color. I was distressed that the skins of the purple potatoes split when you steam them, but it makes no difference if you’re planning to smash them anyway.

I didn’t realize until recently that baby potatoes are so loved. Check out my potato salad post. I was surprised at how many people specified not only baby potatoes, but red baby potatoes. Who knew?

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